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MPH Tuition, Financial Aid, & Other Funding


The Virginia Tech Board of Visitors sets tuition rates for each academic year. The MPH Program follows the Graduate School tuition rates and fees, available at the University Bursar's Office website. The cost of the MPH degree includes graduate tuition and fees and an additional MPH supplemental fee.

Financial Aid

For information regarding student loans and outside financial support, students may contact the University Scholarships and Financial Aid


The MPH Program only has a few Graduate Assistantship positions through our department. These positions and other open positions received by faculty are emailed to admitted and current MPH students as they are received. 

Our MPH students can often find Graduate, Graduate Research, and Graduate Teaching Assistantships, as well as other positions across campus. Visit the Graduate School Assistantship Information for Students webpage to learn more. Monitor the Graduate Life Center Weekly Newsletter to see current postings and other events of interest. 

There are also a variety of assistantships, scholarships, and fellowships sponsored by the Virginia Tech Graduate School. The eligibility requirements, funding amounts, and nomination process vary for each opportunity. Visit the Funding Sponsored by the Graduate School webpage for details. The following funding opportunities are most applicable to incoming and current MPH students:

  • Ponch and Mitzi Frank Graduate Fellowship
  • Dean's Diversity Assistantship
  • McNair Assistantship
  • Peacock-Harper Culinary Collection Scholarships
  • Powell Fellowship.

The majority of these opportunities require a nomination from a Virginia Tech faculty member or department and have deadlines in March – April. The eligibility requirements for these opportunities vary - please review the overview of the opportunities and the individual nomination forms for the requirements. If you meet the elgibility requirements, please email us ( a statement that details your eligibility no later than a month before the nomination deadline.