BSPH Redican Leadership Awards
The Redican Leadership Award is presented each year to Bachelor of Science in Public Health graduating seniors who best demonstrate the traits of leadership and professionalism in service to the program, department, college, university and/or community.
Public Health faculty and staff are able to present qualified nominations to Katie Cross by February 21, 2025. Students are encouraged to self-nominate and all nominated students should submit their documentation to by March 5, 2025.
The selection committee will be comprised of 4-6 members from the Department of Population Health Sciences.
Criteria for Award: All candidates must be seniors majoring in Public Health who are scheduled to graduate May 2025, Summer 2025 or December 2025.
- Applications will be evaluated in the area of demonstrated leadership.
- No student currently (at the time of nomination or subsequent terms) on probation as a result of University Honor Code violations is eligible.
- Special Consideration is given to students who provided leadership in our student association (Undergraduate Public Health Association@VT), service as a BSPH Student Ambassador or BSPH Peer Mentor or those serving as a student representative on program, department, college, and university committees as well as engagement in other public health service and academic opportunities across campus and in the surrounding community.
Application materials:
- Biographical Information form (online form)
- A resume that highlights the applicant’s leadership experience (may include work in research, field, and lab settings or other relevant non-professional activity), teaching/learning experience, and service (in academic and non-academic settings), but with emphasis given to demonstrating fulfillment of the stated expectations of the award (2-page maximum).
- Student leadership vision statement (1-page maximum).
Recognition: Award winners will be provided a with a graduation cord and will be recognized at the Public Health Graduation and Awards Reception.
Nomination Packets should be submitted to by March 5, 2025.
2025 submission deadlines:
Nominations from faculty and staff:
Febrary 21
Student self-nominations and nominations of other students: March 5