Student Forms
Please note: The forms on this page are for general use for undergraduate students whose Primary Major or Minor is Public Health. The forms that are in PDF format will need to be DOWNLOADED to your computer and you will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to electronically sign forms.
Graduate students will find their forms on the Graduate School's Student Forms website.
Public Health Forms
Please do not email these forms. Follow the instructions for the form to submit it to the appropriate area.
This form should be used by students who wish to appeal their academic suspension. It is important to note there is a common deadline for forms to be submitted.
As noted on page one of this form, if your appeal is based on physical, psychiatric or disabilility/learning disability reasons, you will need to first contact the appropriate office (Schiffert Health Center, Cook Counseling Center, Services for Students with Disabilities, of the Dean of Students). Students should start this process early if your appeal is based on one of the above reasons as additional processing time is required. All information needs to be submitted to the Appeals Committee prior to the stated appeal meeting dates.
This form is required for Public Health students who are currently on academic probation or are returning from academic suspension. Virginia Tech and the Population Health Sciences department are committed to helping you reach your academic and career goals. Students should complete this form in its entirety prior to meeting with their advisor.
After completing the form, please schedule an appointment with your academic advisor to review and sign this form.
Undergraduate students that faced extenuating circumstances that compromised their ability to fulfill academic responsibilities, such as attending classes or completing coursework, for an extended period within a previous semester, may seek academic relief. Broadly, a student may be eligible for academic relief with a recommendation from an approrpiate campus student support entity, such as the Dean of Students Office, Cook Counseling Center, Schiffert Health Center, Services for Students with Disabilities and the Office for Equity and Accessibility, to support the student's need for relief.
Academic Relief typically entails a complete withdrawal from all courses in a previously completed semester, with these courses being indicated on the transcript as "WP" (withdrawal, exception).
Academic Relief requests must be initiated in the student's current college. The process of applying for academic relief and the review procedure consists of several steps and multiple stages of approval. Studnets should expect this process to take several weeks to complete and receive a decision. .
- Students interested in applying for academic relief should schedule an appointment with Katie Cross, Director of Advising for Population Health Sciences. Students can schedule a meeting using Navigate. Please note Academic Relief in the comments. Students may have to schedule an "explore public health" meeting to gain acess to a meeting.
- During your meeting with the Director of Advising, information about the required steps and necessary documentation will be shared. If you have met with an outside mental health provider, please comlete the Outside Mental Health Provider Information Form.
- Students will apply for academic relief through the online portal and can check the access of their request by accessing the online portal.
- Your formal review will be sent to your Academic Dean for initial review and comments.
- Your request will be reviewed by the Office of University Scholarships and Financial Aid (USFA) and Cranwell International Center as needed to provide comments regarding the impacts this may have on financial aid and/or international student status.
- Your request will be reviewed by the student support entity you selected within the online portal to provide comments.
- The Academic Relief Committee evaluates the request, considering the camppus entity's recommendations and arrives at a decision.
- Any applicable record changes will be processed by the Office of the University Registrar.
- A final outcome notification will be sent via email to your Virginia Tech email address.
- Please Note: Applying for Academic Relief does not guarantee it will be granted and could affect Financial Aid, On-campus Housing, and the ability to attend Virginia Tech in future semesters for recovery purposes.
If your most recent semester GPA was below 2.00 but you remain in good academic standing (your overall is above a 2.00), we are concerned about your recent performance and want to help you identify and address the challenges you recently faced.
Please scheduled an appointment with your academic advisor to review and sign this form.
If you are seeking to change your PRIMARY MAJOR, please complete the Change of Major process and review the Step-By-Step Instructions on how to do so.
If you are seeking to add or drop Public Health as a second major or minor, upload your completed documents to the Public Health Portal. A PH advisor will sign it and submit it to the Undergraduate Program Director for final approval and processing.

Students must complete this application in their Hokie Spa to apply for graduation.
This form should be used for students planning to take courses at a college or university in the United States. Consult the University Registrar’s Transfer Guide to determine how domestic credits will transfer back to Virginia Tech.
If the domestic course is not listed in the VT Transfer Guide, students are required to submit a copy of the course description and course syllabus for the course with their completed form.
Upload your completed documents to the Public Health Portal. Your advisor will notify you if your request has been approved.
Please note, transfer credit evaluation can take up to 4 weeks to process. Students should submit this form and have approval prior to taking a course elsewhere to ensure credits will transfer.
This form is to be used by Public Health majors and minors who are requesting a substitution of a Public Health required course. This form cannot be used for pathway substitutions and is intended for students requesting a course substitution for a Public Health core requirement course.
A special circumstance must exist in order for a substitution to be considered.
Upload your completed documents to the Public Health Portal.
Course Withdrawal (“W” grade) is an available option if you would like to withdraw from a course after the last day to drop deadline. Students are strongly encouraged to meet with their academic advisor prior to using a course withdrawal. Forms should be submitted prior to the deadline. Upload your completed documents to the Public Health Portal.
If you have used all three course withdrawals, your request can not be processed. The withdrawal policy is set by the University and not individual departments.
Once the form has been submitted and processed, students can check their schedule for processing. Your course may continue to show in Canvas after the course withdrawal has been processed. Courses will remain on a student’s schedule and transcript, a grade of “W” will show for the course. A “W” grade will not impact a student’s GPA or full-time enrollment status.
A withdrawal cannot be processed if the student has a hold on their account. Students should have all holds removed prior to the Course Withdrawal deadline in order for their request to be processed.
This form is used by Public Health Students requesting to change a final exam for one of the following reasons:
- You have three (3) or more final exams within 24hrs
- You have two (2) exams at the same time
Students should discuss their exam conflicts with their instructors prior to completing the Exam Change Request Form and obtain their instructor’s signature.
Upload your completed documents to the Public Health Portal.
Students whose Primary Major is Public Health should use this form when seeking to request a change to the Grade Mode for a Specific Course.
Student are not permitted to take required major courses or pathways courses as P/F and are limited to 12hrs of P/F during their entire academic career. Students may only P/F 2 courses per semester.
Please review the Academic Calendar for deadlines.
Upload your completed documents to the Public Health Portal for PH Advisors signature. Once signed, your advisor will submit for processing.
This form is for students whose primary major is Public Health who are seeking to pursue Independent Study or Undergraduate Research.
Please read the directions, requirements and guidelines prior to submitting your completed form. Completed forms include the signatures of the: student, instructor, instructor’s department head and the Director of the Program Offering the course. Upload your completed documents to the Public Health Portal for signatures of your Public Health advisor and the Public Health Program Director.
The deadline to submit the form is the last day to add classes.
This form is for Public Health students seeking to request permission to late drop or late add a course or for students seeking a grade mode change after the published deadlines.
Extenuating circumstances are required for a request to be considered.
Students are responsible for requesting that their instructor complete their section of the form and will ppload completed documents to the Public Health Portal for their academic advisor and department head’s approval. The form will then be reviewed and a decision made. Students will be notified of the decision via email.
Students requested a leave of absence for a future semester should complete the Leave of Absence Form.
Undergraduate and associate level students may request up to two leave of absence periods for a length not exceeding 1 year during each period. To request a leave of absence a student must be eligible to enroll in the term leave is being requested. A leave of absence request will grant a student one year of time away from Virginia Tech while maintaining their catalog year outlining their program curriculum. Following an enrollment gap of two primary (Fall/Spring) terms, a student's catalog year will be updated based on their term of re-enrollment. A student on a leave of absence will not have access to any student facilities or resources not available to the general public. At any point, when a student is ready to return to Virginia Tech during or after their leave of absence, they will complete the return to Virginia Tech request form.
*International students on a VISA cannot use the Leave of Absence form and instead must contact Cranwell International Center to discuss their options in stepping away from their academic studies.
*Students participating in any study abroad program should register their plans with the Global Education Office and should not complete a leave of absence request.
This form is for Public Health students seeking to take more than 19 credit hours in the fall or spring semester, more than six hours in winter session, or more than 18 credits in the summer.
This form must be completed and submitted during the Add/Drop period, not during course request. List all the courses you are taking, including the courses that will cause the course overload. Processing of this form DOES NOT register the student for any course unless you are adding an independent study or undergraduate research. Students will be notified if the overload is approved and will need to try registering for the courses using drop/add or the force add process.
Upload your completed documents to the Public Health Portal for an advisor’s signature. Once signed, your advisor will submit it to the Dean’s office for their signature and processing.
Transfer credit evaluations can take 4-6 weeks for processing. Start this process early so that you will know how and if your credits will transfer prior to taking courses elsewhere.
Students can request a course be reviewed to determine if it fulfills a specific General Education Requirement.
General Education substitutions are approved by the General Education Office. View the instructions for requesting course substitutions for Pathways Concept Courses.
If you are seeking to change your major to Public Health, the process is completed through Hokie Spa > Change of Major application. The university provides specific times for when students can change their primary major. Please review the designated change of major deadlines.
Students wishing to drop ALL of their courses and discontinue enrollment at Virginia Tech for various reasons will complete the Student Withdrawal/Resignation Form
To Drop all your courses before the start of the semester/session:
If you are withdrawing from Virginia Tech before classes begin for the semester, please visit the Registrar's Withdrawal page and complete the process as outlined.
Dropping all your courses on or after the first day of classes but prior to the deadline to resign without a grade penalty.
If seeking to resign from Virginia Tech on or after the first day of classes for the semester, complete the process as outlined on the Registrar's Withdrawal/Resignation page and the form will automatically be sent to Public Health for approval. Once approved the form will electronically be forwarded to the Dean.
Students living in a residence hall, affiliated with the Corps of Cadets and/or are international students should pay special attention to the information listed.